Getting Started

We are so glad that you have found us online! We are even more excited that you are considering joining us for our next virtual Bible study. We are all here for different reasons... Whether it be for lack of time because of a busy schedule, serving in the church during the same time other studies are offered, or you’ve never been a part of a study before and you want to try this one out… we are so glad that you have found us!

If this is your first virtual Bible study or you’ve been a part of these for years, remember that we can all learn from each other. The format is simple and the reward is awesome. God will speak to you!

Here are some helpful tips when participating in a virtual Bible study:
1. When starting a session please pray beforehand, as you would at the opening of any bible study.
2. Your opinion is important, please share it. Value others opinions and when in debate don't become personal about someone else s opinion.
3. Your question can be an unasked question of someone else, please ask it.
3. When debating an issue keep to the issue and not become personal about another participant's opinion

How do I register for a study?
Click on Register at the top of the page. There is no cost to register for the study, but we do encourage that you either purchase the study guide from us or on your own. If you register after the suggested date, we cannot guarantee that you will have your study guide in time.

What day and time do we meet?
There are many different women participating in the online study, so we are limited by time zone differences. Therefore, we do not meet at a specific time, just a specific day. You’ll get an email with the blog update and questions related to the current study (make sure that you put your email address in at the bottom of the page where it says, Follow by email.) Visit the website and post your comments about the current study

How do I participate in an online study?
Similar to a church small group, we’ll ask questions about the current lesson. Please post a comment and answer or ask another question. We learn from one another, so every question and comment is helpful. Please participate in the discussions.

What if I can’t afford the book?
Please send us an email stating your reasons as to why you can’t afford the study guide. We will contact you once we have received your email.

What church are you affiliated with?
This website is not affiliated with any one church.

What happens if I start late, go on vacation, or get a week behind?
No worries. The online bible study format allows you not to miss anything, because the discussions are ongoing and never removed. So you can join anytime and catch up, or fall behind without guilt.

Where can I find the audio/video segments that go along with the study?
Not all authors have audio or video segments for their Bible studies. If they are available, we’ll let you know. The audio/video segments range from $1.99 to $3.99. Because of copyright laws, and our respect for the authors, we do not provide these for free. If you want to include them in your study, you need to purchase them from the publisher or author. These are highly recommended, however due to the cost they are optional for the online study. If you participate in a church study, these videos will be played and have been 
purchased already.

Please email all your questions to:   

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