Sunday, October 28, 2012

Session 5 & 6 - Nehemiah's Sacred Feast Nov. 5th

Ok, so as you can see... life has been busy, I have been busy and I've not posted for session 5 or 6. I've recapped both these weeks below. 

As we close out our Nehemiah study we will finish up on November 5th at Jessica Prescott's home in Torrey Oaks at 6:30pm. Click here for the list of what everyone is bringing. Please fill in your name & side dish if you plan on attending so that we know how many to plan for. Feel free to invite a friend!

It's sad that this will be our last gathering... but ladies... we'll have another study to offer sometime in the winter of 2013. We will keep you updated. 

Don't forget to continue to pray and seek God's guidance in your life. Where does he want you to serve? Who is he breaking your heart for? It's a journey we are all on. I've enjoyed getting to know each of you and look forward to our paths crossing again as we study the Word. 

Now get out there and show God's love! 

Questions from week 4:

#1What strikes you as ironic about Jesus tearing down the wall of hostility between the Jews and Gentiles? (pg 99)

#2 Is there a particular area of your reality that the Word of God doesn't seem to relate to? Consider this and then ask the Lord to show you where His Word matters in this place. (pg 106)

Session 5 Video Recap:

Adoption... of how I love adoption... maybe it's because my husband and I are adopting. But I know for a fact it's also because I was adopted. Christ adopted me into His family. And I'm so thankful and blessed to be called HIS CHILD! Loved this video and if you didn't get to see it... go buy it now at and watch it!

#3 Understanding that God's words to us are directly connected to our joy, describe how this encouraged you to spend more time with Him and in His Word. (pg 117)

Questions from week 5:

#4 Having a faithful heart toward God looked like something in Abraham's life. Read Hebrews 11:8-12, 17-19. What did it look like? (pg 121)

#5 Where do you need to change? What steps can you take to implement this change? (Remember the Holy Spirit brings about this heart change.) (pg 136)

Session 6 Video Recap:

These women who prayed for over a year to see where and how God wanted them to serve is such an inspiration!!!

#6 Linda Leathers works with women who've been set free from prison but who need freedom of soul. What about her ministry to these women inspired you the most? (pg 143)

#7 Galatians 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." (NIV) What does this freedom look like in your life? In what areas are you struggling to live out the freedom for which He's set you free? (pg 143)

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I just realized I never posted Session 5... Sorry Ladies.

I'll be posting the questions this afternoon! And more info on "Nehemiah's Sacred Feast"

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Session 4 - The Word Returns

So this week I'm ahead of schedule... Yay! I'm doing this for 2 reasons. #1 I know the rest of the week is busy for me and so I don't want to get behind. #2 Because I know Linda Hernandez is getting ahead of us all and I want her to share with us what she thought about this last week before she gets too far ahead of us all :)

I was encouraged by Kelly on page 76 to learn about how we need to stay focused on the truth of the word and not be deceived by lies. I highlighted in my book the following words, so that I can keep them close at hand and use them when I'm allowing myself to be deceived. "Lord, what I believe about You (or myself) right now is not true." I think it is so important to verbally say these words and acknowledge them. She follows with saying... Scripture enlightened by the Holy Spirit is our plumb line of truth here.

And another area that I highlighted in my book was on page 80. I'm simply going to quote the paragraph because it has become so true in my life...

God stands to accomplish the impossible through us while too often we're content to settle for the explainable. The impossible requires taking time to listen for what He has put in our heart to do. It means believing that He will accomplish what He has spoken.

What are you trying to explain? What are you making excuses about? Where is God leading you?

Week 3 Questions 

#1 (pg 68) As you consider your own frailty, spend a few minutes writing in the margin the ways God has shown His power in a time of your powerlessness. 

#2 (pg 72) Is God asking you to lay down an entitlement in a situation where you are justified to hold onto it? If so, what do you see as the greater purpose of relinquishing this right?

#3 (pg 75) Is the Lord asking you to say no to something so you can focus on what He's asked you to say yes to? If so, what?

#4 (pg 80) What event in your life most exemplifies something that could only have been accomplished with the help of your God?

Session 4 Video Questions (pg 93)

#5 Nehemiah cared enough to lay down what was rightfully his. How did learning this cause you to think differently about what is "your" and how you can use what God has given you for others?

#6 Discuss the difference between giving to the poor and identifying with them

#7 Pastor Joao and Maria left a comfortable life in Manaus to serve the village of Puru Puru. How did their story challenge and/or encourage you?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Finally, you all get a break! This next week will allow you to catch up or reflect on some of the things God has been showing you and speaking to you about.

Remember that Sarah Idsardi will be sharing at Oak Grove on Wednesday evening at 6:30pm about her mission trip to Guatemala this past summer. She'll also be giving you details on how you can sign up to go to the same Malnutrition Center with SendMeMissions in the summer of 2013!

I'll be leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again... Oh yeah, I guess I do know when I'll be back... this Saturday! (Definitely not long enough!) But excited to be sharing with some women at FBC Bowling Green on Sunday, October 7th, about Missions & how as Godly women we are to serve!

Praying for you all and look forward to getting back into the study on October 10th!

We are planning for an end of the study Dinner Session in Torrey Oaks on November 5th at 6:30pm. This will be for all the Virtual Bible Study ladies & for our Wednesday Night group. Go ahead and mark your calendars to be here!

Until next Wednesday... Jamie