Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Session 1 - What Makes You Weep?

Ok, so it's week 1, day 1 and here we all are... ready to dig in to Nehemiah! First off, let me encourage you to STOP RIGHT NOW AND PRAY! Make this a habit. Pray each time before you get online to study scripture and watch the videos by Kelly.

I know you all are going to enjoy this study, but I do want to warn you that you will begin to pray that God break your heart. Understand that when you do this and if you honestly mean it, then He's going to do just that. And in the beginning it may be uncomfortable. Ok, actually, it's going to be really uncomfortable, but God didn't call us to do nothing. No, He's called us to serve, give, love, share, disciple, feed, pray, go and so much more which requires us to continue to seek Him each and every day.

Go ahead and read pages 9 & 10 titled "What Makes You Weep?"

Then, if you can, watch the first video by Kelly Minter. You can purchase these online at (or email me if you can't afford to purchase them or don't have a way to).

After you've watched the video, then answer the questions below. (When responding to a question or commenting on someones answer, please reference what question # you are answering.)

Just so you know, this week there aren't many questions, because we haven't really read any. But next week we will have the group discussions & personal reflecting questions posted as well. Feel free to always add additional information that you found to be beneficial or something that God revealed to you.  You don't have to just stick to the questions posted.

Here we go!


#1 How Does Nehemiah's compassionate heart stir your own heart to love and service?

#2 How did it affect you to learn that Nehemiah heard about the Jew's suffering while living in a Persian Resort?

#3 What about Gloria's interview struck you the most? How did she inspire, challenge, encourage you?

BTW click below where it says comments and that is where you can see what our group has commented on and where you can reply. 


  1. #2 - When I think about a Persian Resort, I really have no idea what that looks like. But Kelly mentions in her video that when we think about where we live (in the U.S.) compared to the rest of the world... we are living in a Persian Resort. We are living at a standard that most only dream about. So when I hear of others in countries I've never visited, is my heart broken? Do I simply just flip to the next channel on the T.V. or the next page in my book without every considering the hurt that those people are experiencing? I think of Haiti. The devastation that took place just a few years ago. Did my heart or my prayers ever reflect a heart of mourning for their people? I'm guilty of allowing circumstances to only effect me when I see them first hand. But Nehemiah only heard of what was happening and fell to his knees in prayer. May my heart be broken in this way, may your heart be broken in this way. What if those of us in the "Persian Palace" did more than read about the brokeness of others? -Jamie

  2. I watched the videos and can't wait to reflect on the questions....however I have a head ache and my body is telling me to until tomorrow..Jess M

  3. #3- I loved Gloria's honesty and transparency about the fact that when God told her "Go home to the Amazon," she didn't want to go. That can be a tough thing to admit, and especially tough to follow through. It would be nice if God called us to exactly what we wanted and what we are comfortable with- but how boring would that be, and that's not how change occurs. Through her obedience God transformed her and obviously the people of her village and beyond. It is a little scary and intimidating to pray such as prayer as "break my heart for what breaks yours" or "Lord, give me a compassionate heart." If we do, then we MUST DO something. We can't just tune in to God on Sunday and Wednesday. When we get real with God...he moves. It's comforting and reassuring to know that God really does make all things work together for our good. He knows so well what is best for us.

    This reminds me of ziplining across the mountains in Guatemala. People tell you its so amazing, and you believe them, but there are so many unknowns. Will the rope hold? What will I see out there? How fast will I go and when I get to the end will I hit something....or worse, what if I don't make it all the way across? Praying "break my heart" is just the initial jump. Once you let go- there's no turning back: hold on tight! Ziplining was exhilarating- intimidating at first, but totally worth the plunge. goes. Take my heart, Lord, and break it.

    1. Sarah, last night in our group study we talked about how we often have our own agenda even when we are willing to serve and yet God is calling us to be open and willing to do what He wants us to do. We also talked about how this Bible Study is going to be great BUT if all we do is read Nehemiah, study the Word, Pray and listen to what God says to do and we don't MOVE... then we've totally missed it. God requires of us to take action, move, Go, Do, lead, share and not just receive. Looking forward to what God is going to do in the lives of the ladies that are just now stepping out of the boat (scared and all) and what he's going to do with those who are in full force serving and still seeking His will in their life. It's really exciting!!! -Jamie

  4. Q #1 - I did not immediatly get ideas or a message about how to be of service right now....but, the one thing that keeps "yelling" at me is - one person CAN make a difference, one person CAN move mountains, one person CAN obey. Of course that one person's actions turn into a domino effect and creates a much larger service, but if it wasn't for that one person to listen and obey then the outcome is not the same. I know that often I find myself "waiting" for the other person to start the dominos or I find myself saying that I don't think I am the right person.

    1. oops - I just notice that my real name does not post - anyway, gypdog = Stephanie G.

  5. #1 - I have to admit, normally when I see a need I am ready to take action in that moment. But to read how Nehemiah prayed day and night for four months until God provided the right moment with the King. I don't normally pray lengths of time for direction when I am presented with a situation to help someone. I have believed that God's word that commands us to love our neighbors, to care for the widows and orphans, and to be the "good Samaritan" is my blessing from God to move forward. However, reading through Nehemiah I recognize the importance of "being led by Him," instead of "taking my best shot at things, hoping He will bless my aim." - Lidenia

    1. Lidenia, as soon as I read your post I quickly remembered a few things that I learned from a study that Priscill Shirer did on "Discerning the Voice of God." In this study we learned many different things about how God speaks to us and how to know when it is Him guiding us. And 2 things that stuck out to me where this:
      #1 Although many decisions that we make in life (small or big) allow for us to pray and receive confirmation from Christ in several ways, there are times in our lives where we can not pray for 4 months, day and night. For example, there is a homeless man and he is hungry, if you were to wait 4 months to determine if you are going to feed him or not, you will miss the opportunity altogether. And so in times like this, God aligns everything in advance for you, so that when you are faced with the decision to move or not, you can freely move knowing that God has already ordained the opportunity to serve.
      #2 "When God allows your spiritual eyes to be open and become aware of His activity on this earth, this your invitation to join Him in His kingdom agenda for your life and this generation." WOW... I just love this. I want to have His eyes, and see things through His eyes. And I strongly believe that when we constantly live a life that seeks Him, He will always let us know when He's wanting us sit at His feet in prayer for a long period of time or when He's truly asking us to move. One of the ways we can know this is through the peace that He provides for us.
